GreenMech Chippers Improve Green Waste Disposal in Fiji


Environment Ministry, SCC Team Up To Improve Green Waste Disposal

The Ministry of Environment and the Suva City Council (SCC) will team up to improve green waste disposal in the municipality.

The Ministry of Environment and the Suva City Council (SCC) will team up to im­prove green waste disposal in the municipality. The move will also produce com­post for agricultural purposes. On Friday the Minister for En­vironment Mahendra Reddy launched a green waste recycling plant in Suva.

The green waste shredder ma­chine would shred plants and green trash, resulting in compost that could be used on farms. The launch, according to Mr Red­dy, coincided with the annual com­memoration of International Moth­er Earth Day, which falls on April 22 every year.

“We align our celebrations today to the theme, we have co-invested and partnered with the Suva City Council to think globally and act lo­cally,” he said.

“This investment from the min­istry is symbolic and forms a part of our portfolio of investments to­wards restoring nature and flour­ishing Mother Earth.”

Mr Reddy said: “This investment will directly impact the efficient collection of green waste, recycling resulting in composted material for the benefit of our communities.

“Annually, a considerable amount of green waste gets dumped at our landfills and rubbish dumps. Al­though green waste does decom­pose overtime, it releases methane and other greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming and contribute towards climate change.”

He said through the partnership, the council would be able to divert green waste away from the Naboro landfills and compost and reuse it as soil amendment to improve soil health and sustaining nutrient cy­cling.

“This will also help reduce the vast amounts of space taken in the landfills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions over a period of time,” Mr Reddy said.

“The ministry encourages all com­munities and individuals to join the Government and all our partners in participating and organising your own activities and most impor­tantly carrying these out at home and teaching our children so that they too are climate resilient and environmentally aware to appreci­ate the true value of Mother Earth and the intricate relationship that is shared.”

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